The very nature of adolescence is filled with unexplained mood swings and irrational thinking but sometimes the typical teenage angst becomes something else. Periods of sadness or anger that begin to interfere with daily functioning and symptoms that seem overwhelming can often be treated without the need for medication. There are many natural methods to fight teenage depression and warrant a try before the use of psychotropic medications.
Understand the symptoms of teenage depression.
Depression can be expressed differently in teens than in adults. Although there may be
prolonged sadness, many teens express
depressed feelings in the form of anger.
Aggressive behavior, unexplained
weight loss or
weight gain,
disrupted sleep and feelings of worthlessness are also typical signs of teenage depression. Many teens begin to engage in high risk behaviors like
drug use and
alcohol consumption.
Talk about it.
Teens may not recognize that their feelings are depression and may be embarrassed by their inability to cope. Talking about the pressures that teens are under and allowing them to voice their concerns is essential in the treatment of depression
Recruit help.
A good friend, a willing neighbor or a supportive soccer coach are all potential support for your teen. Having a support network that reaches out to your teen can provide an outlet for their thoughts and feelings. Finding a good family therapist that can work with you and your teen to help make sense of the situation is also an excellent way to treat depression.
Stay Active.
Depression prays on an idle mind. Engaging in physical exercise, participating in social activities, and helping out at home are all ways to keep the mind busy while working on the treatment of depression. A diet rich with vitamins and healthy food also adds to the ability of the body to fight depression.
Sleep well.
A good nights sleep is vital to treating depression. A teenager should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
Avoid high risk behaviors.
use of alcohol, illegal drugs or prescription drugs are ineffective coping mechanisms and will interfere in the
successful treatment of depression.
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